Rhodesia (Zimbabwe), 1974
At the age of seven, Jessie continues to experience life like no child should have to. A disagreement with Jessie’s dad (Bert) sees Jessie’s mother (Marie) admitted into hospital and Jessie removed from the care of her parents and being placed in a children’s home.
Marie fights Bert in court and wins custody. Leaving her new-found friend, Rose, and the home is a bittersweet experience for Jessie. Following Marie’s marriage to Chris, the three of them leave Zimbabwe and migrate to Australia.
Settling into a country on the other side of the world proves difficult for all three of them. When Jessie is caught shoplifting, she tries to take her life by overdosing on tablets and becomes a damaged soul, with nowhere to turn.
At high school, Jessie befriends a boy by the name of Bryce and after an initial annoyance period, their friendship develops into something more.
Let me start by telling you a little about myself and then about the motivation that made me put pen to paper, or rather fingers to keyboard. I live in Australia and am a Daughter, Wife, Mom and Granny. These four roles have moulded me into the person I am today, and whilst life hasn’t always been kind or easy, I wouldn’t change any aspects of my life (well I say that in hindsight, as of course when life throws challenges my way, I wish at the time that things were different). Having said that, I am a strong believer in the saying that “everything happens for a reason“ and I believe that everything that has happened in my life to date, has happened for a reason, and for the most, it is all now very clear to me.
Read MorePublication date - 29 March 2019
As with everything in life this book is a work in progress
Hi everyone Hope this finds you well and that your preparations for Christmas are going to plan. Not too long now till the big guy visits I am excited and happy to report that the Editor has finished with Family Heartbreak and has now sent it back to me for review. Seems like so long …
Read MoreThrilled to advise that my shiny new site is live. Yes, it’s taken a while but I hope you’ll agree that it was worth the wait. I have retained the thoughts (blog) page and have added new content, pages and links. Take a peek!! Jenny x
Read MoreHi all Hope you’ve had a brilliant weekend. As the title states, I’ve heard back with answers to all my questions Firstly, the publication date means that is when the book will be available for sale and now it’s full steam ahead with marketing. I am beyond excited and anxious all at the same time. …
Read MoreHi all Hope you are having a wonderful weekend. 29 March it is. Not entirely sure what having a publication date actually means but I’m pretty certain I’m getting closer. I’m sure there were eyes rolling when I asked the question, along with others, from my publisher. Either that or they are used to it …
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